Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Mother's Daughter

Over brunch yesterday my mother declared herself a shoe connoisseur… which is one of the many traits I am blessed to have inherited from her. It also explains my addiction to spending countless hours ‘sole’ searching on my favorite website for shoes and accessories… appropriately named: (If you haven’t heard of it, look. Now. It will change your life. Read: Free overnight shipping and every shoe ever made.) As fate would have it, my husband left me drowning in testosterone as he screamed at Baseball Tonight. So, being my Mother’s Daughter, I reached for a the nearest floatation device.. my laptop filled with unlimited access to… uhh.. endless pages of shoes. I escaped into a beautiful sanctuary of high heels, baseball made history and I met a few potential “solemates”.



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happily Ever After (Year 2)

Happy Anniversary to us!! 9-26-2009 to Forever

Monday, September 26, 2011

Stop & Smell the Roses...

Boo bought me the most beautiful bouquet to celebrate our 2 year Wedding Anniversary. Soooo sweet & they smell incredible. Happy Anniversary Baby. I love you. Xo.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Celebrating the Alberts...

No matter how long it takes us to get ready... we always seem to run into something that makes us race the clock to be on time. Last Friday was no exception as we raced out of the house to Shelter Island for Shanel and Steve's wedding. My darling husband was looking extra handsome in his suit and as we cruised across town I couldn't help but stare at him in the driver's seat and think about how lucky we are to have each other. I feel so blessed to be married to such an amazing man with a good heart and a wonderful sense of humor. We reached the venue with minutes to spare.

We slipped into our seats and took in the setting. I love those first moments before the wedding unfolds... The guests are bursting with energy as they bottle up their anticipation. The ceremony was set up on the edge of the water facing the breath-taking downtown city scape. The guests, buzzing with quiet chatter and nervous excitement are hushed as the music starts and the groom enters. The groom walks to the alter, standing in quiet reverence as he waits for his bride to join him. There is so much love in the room. Best friends and loved ones all around. The bridesmaids escorted by the groomsmen enter and walk to their places, each finding their friends and significant others in the crowd and and mouthing "hellos" "I love yous". I look to my own husband and we both smile remembering our own wedding and all the happiness we've accumulated in our years together.

As the music starts for the Brides entrance we all stand and I catch my first glimpse of the Bride, her eyes  wide with excitement as she takes in the sight of all her loved ones standing before her. As she makes her way to the center aisle and she meets eyes with her groom, you can see he is in awe of her radiating beauty. I love that. The words of the ceremony prompt the memories of our own wedding vows to flood into my heart as I sit next to the man I joined in holy matrimony just about two years earlier and for a moment I am lost in thought of our own journey and how beautiful it is to be so happy. As Shanel and Steve are pronounced husband and wife, my own husband kisses me and whispers in my ear, "I love you." And so it is another couple begins the new chapter of Happily Ever After. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert!!

Bobby & I had a blast at the reception!! Bobby's wearing a Brown Suit by Michael Kors, White Shirt by Calvin Klein, (Nordstrom) and Brown Tie by Alfani, (Macy's, purchased for my brother's wedding last year.)

I'm wearing a One shoulder pink top by H&M (Not Available Online)
Skirt by Haute Hippie bondage mini in Taupe available Here 
Bangles by Amrita Singh (, no longer Available) Similar Available Here
 Click HERE to join RueLaLa for exclusive sales and AMAZING shop-ortunities! Xo. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Something to think about...

"One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way." - Vincent Van Gogh

I don't have a ton of time to write about this one right now... but I wanted to share with you a quote that I have carried with me through the years. These words have so much meaning and have inspired me in so many ways. Check back later for an update with my thoughts.. but until then. Enjoy! Xo.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hellooooo World!

Helloooo World!

Some of the greatest self discoveries are made during times of reflection. I say this because reflection allows us to look at our lives and ourselves with the capacity to see the past, present and to create hopes for the future. An honest reflection allows you a clear vision of, not only, your mistakes and missed opportunities but also your successes, achievements and blessings. (Count them!!) Evaluating where we are, what we've done and where it is we would like to go next, is the first step towards creating your dream future.
As children we are encouraged to follow our dreams, in romance, to follow our hearts, but, as we age it is easy to look around and find yourself somewhere completely different then you ever imagined. Like a flip book, each day, as insignificant as it can seem at the time, when sped up and placed in order create the big picture of your place in life. Even the most classic success stories are constantly reinventing their image, searching for endorsements, expanding and creating. Without reinvention and development life grows stale, stagnant, boring and slowly the sparkle of success fades and fizzles out. But reinvention... reinvention is the key to unlocking the door of opportunity.
I personally believe that everything happens for a reason. While the reason may not always be clear at the time, I know that it's there in every situation. Recently my hours at work were cut to just two days a week. After the initial shock wore off, (and with encouragement from my adoring husband), I realized that this was just the push I needed to follow my dreams of doing something more creative.
On the first day of my new schedule I decided to take full advantage of my new found [albeit forced] freedom. Instead of feeling down and out I felt empowered. I met one of my dearest friends for an early morning walk on the boardwalk and somewhere between the pier and the parking lot I woke up. Spending that time with my friend, enjoying the salty sea breeze, feeling the sun on my skin... made me feel alive and inspired and made me wonder why it took me so long to get here.
So, while I'm not sure what my next move is, I figure today is as good a day as any to do what I love... write. And while I'm not sure who my audience will be or what exactly my content will consist of... I'm going to type my first entry into the blog world see where it takes me. With a little wit and a lot of love this is my Luvtini. Xo, Vanessa Martini