Saturday, January 28, 2012

Just call me Martha

My New Years Resolution last year was a big one. After a successful first year of marriage I really wanted to embody all that the title "Wife" entails. I wanted to be the kind of wife that bakes cookies for the office and makes homemade dishes for potlucks. To not only wrap my presents but to add flair so that the packaging is just as special as the gift inside. I wanted to do things like mail birthday cards to family members who live far away (& do it on time *still working on this one*). Start and finish DIY projects. The list goes on and on. Basically, I wanted to become more like my Mother or the kind of girl you see on the other blogs. The ones with the perfect pictures of their crafts and projects... the ones that make it look so easy... and at the very least I wanted to stop leaving stuff at home on the kitchen counter like the spinach and artichoke dip that I made from scratch because, lets face it, when you show up empty handed and say you "forgot it", you look like a big fat liar.

I'm proud to say that I came a long way over the course of 2011. I completed another very happy and successful year of marriage. I began to really decorate my house. I made very special ladybug snacks for a very special 1 year olds first birthday. I even ended the year by hosting a ginormous baby shower at my home for one of my nearest and dearest with 50 adults and 10 kids!!! AND it all went off without a hitch. Granted I had help, (Thank You Helpers)... BUT I am ecstatic to announce that today I was called Miss Martha Stewart which to me is a HUGE compliment, mainly because of my resolution, (which I have extended to cover this year as well). It seems to me that my hard work has begun to pay off and I am just warming up!

So today, with the WONDERFUL news that my bestie, (mentioned above), welcomed her beautiful baby girl into this world, I decided to do what any super girl would do. MAKE DINNER FOR HER FAMILY! I've been told that one of the best gifts you can give is a home cooked meal so I looked up a recipe that freezes well and I whipped it right up!! Yes, me, the girl who forgot her dish at home, I made a freezable dinner for my friend and tomorrow I will be delivering it to her with a plate of sugar cookies AND I also made the disposable baking dish look as pretty as a present!! I created my own label with heating and freezing instructions. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to go look in the mirror because I don't even recognize myself! :)

Xo, Vanessa

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hot & Steamy...

Its not what you think. Okay maybe just a little. The truth is, I’m in love. Today I met the mop of my dreams. Yes, you read it MOP. (Don’t judge). Being as I share my home with two furry mess makers I spend a lot of time scrubbing my floors and this mop would make Cinderella jealous. 
I first laid eyes on this purple wonder in December and it was lust at first sight. A mop that doesn’t require a sloppy, sudsy bucket of soap and water? No slippery wet floors that take forever to dry? A mop that SANITIZES as it cleans?! I was intrigued. However, it was just today that I took the plunge and my floors have NEVER looked and felt so clean!! 
The Shark Electric Steam Mop is amazing. It’s recommended for hard floors, safe for wood and cleans with just water! No harsh chemicals, no sloppy streaks. It’s a domestic goddesses dream. It’s easy to assemble and easy to use. I promise you will love it just as much as I do!! So, pick one up just in time for spring cleaning!!

Available at Walmart. $59.00 (Sale)

Sure they look peaceful here... but don't let those cute faces fool you. They most likely just tracked mud all over my floors!

Xo. Vanessa

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wise Words for a Healthy Happy Life

Dance More. Be Happy. Love This. Xo.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Xo, Vanessa

Friday, January 13, 2012

Adorable Bow Earrings

Aren't these earrings precious?? I saw just saw them in the February 2012 Issue of Lucky Magazine (page 98)... And somehow they magically appeared as a post on my blog... (Eerie considering it happened on Friday the 13th...) It must me a sign that a very fashionable ghost really wants me to have them! Now who am I to turn down a ghost with such impeccable taste??

Earrings Crystal pavé and pearl, $32 Chloe + Isabel,

Featured in Lucky Magazine, pg 98, in the 'Bienvenue, Nora', fashion piece. Check out the issue on shelves now.

Xo, Vanessa (& Ghost)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Missoni for Target

When the Legendary Missoni fashion house went live with the Missoni for Target line people went mad! They lined up around the block waiting to get in stores and the website crashed for days! Today I decided to play around with fashion and style the 'Missoni for Target - Rose Wine Coat' two ways. I had a blast playing around with different colors and textures to create these looks. What do you think of my styling??

Missoni For Target Coat 2Ways

Now if only I could afford those Miu Mui Mary Jane Platforms Pumps!!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Check with Your Name on it????? Cash in!

With the new year we are all forced to take a long hard look at ourselves and the damage we have done to our check books, credit cards and bank statements. Being a giver comes with a price and we all must face the music, look at the red and get back to black. The 'eat, drink and be merry' attitude often has a way of leading us into that over spending territory, leading many people to focus on their finances in the new year. Lucky for you I know of a land where money grows on trees... okay, maybe not exactly, but, I did hear of a place called the California State Controller’s Office. Turns out in the magic office of the state controller there are pages and pages and pages of unclaimed property, and by property I mean CASH owed to YOU. See the excerpt from the website below:

Here’s the deal, if you have ever been included in a class action lawsuit, over paid your electric bill or medical insurance, been a member of a gym that's ripped you off... etc, you probably have money sitting in the magic land of the controller waiting for you to claim it. It took me 30 seconds to find out that I have a BIG FAT CHECK with my name on it just waiting for me to fill out the form and have it sent my way. Here’s why: Several years ago I was a member of 24 hour fitness. They were sued for continuing to charge their members for three months, (or longer), after they cancelled their memberships! I  was notified of the lawsuit but I moved. When I tried to follow up on my money I found out the settlement had been delayed. Then I forgot about it. (It’s been a longggggg time!) Now, thanks to the Unclaimed Property Law I’m getting the money I deserve. 
So, do yourself a favor and check it out. It takes just minutes to search and who knows, you could have a huge check with your name on it!! 

A special thanks to my brother for watching the news and searching my name!! Love you. Good Luck to All!! Xo.