Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hair Today - Gone Tomorrow

I’ll never forget the episode of Sex & the City where Carrie & Berger nearly break up over an unfortunate moment with a scrunchie. I myself had a similarly uncomfortable moment with a scrunchie that I fondly refer to as the fourth grade. While most of us left the scrunchie back in 1994, many women still adorn their wrists with hair ties, mostly for convenience but also as a reminder to never wear something so wretched again. 

Cue uncomfortable images of scrunchies:

The problem with the skinny little elastics is they look tacky, feel embarrassing and leave a nasty crimp in your hair and on your arm. After the moment of instant ponytail desperation passes and your mascara is applied, the dishes are washed and the random heat wave passes, you are cursed with regret as you release your locks and stare at the literal crimp in your style, leaving you committed to the pony for the rest of the day. Fortunately for the modern woman the scrunchie went to Hollywood!! After a brief stint in rehab, several fad diets, a name change and hiring a pretty pricey image consultant.. the bitch is back!! (& you won’t even recognize her!)

Meet Twistband Hair Ties!! (Click HERE)! This skinny little tie has been seen on the wrists of celebs like Kristen Cavalari, Gwyenth Paltrow and of course, yours truly. The sleek little tie is made from elastic cloth which is a huge step up from the annoying Sam Goody elastics you’re sporting now. Twistbands come in a variety of colors from vibrant to subtle and are as cool as they are functional. Don’t miss out on the newest tress-taming trend! (I'm officially obsessed.) Adorn your wrists and your locks with Twistbands and forget about that guy who made those rubber things... What was his name again??? I bid you farewell Sam Goodie... it was nice knowing you.

Here are some of my favorite Twist Band styles:

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Xo, Vanessa

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